Would You?

Would you look at the phone and wait for it to ring?
Would you wish for a miracle  that tomorrow could bring?

Would you realize that my existence is a past?
That our together forever promises weren't to last?

Would you curse destiny? Would you blame fate?
Would your magic and wonder change to hate?

Would you wish for another moment to cling on to?
Would you just do anything hoping it's life you could woo?

Would you wish to rewrite some truth some episode?
Would you hope we had traversed a different road?

Would there be things for me to know?
And others inability to appreciate disappoints you so..

Would you grow over? Would you move on?
Or would there be a piece of you which will forever hold on........?

P.S- Life's too uncertain and at times very unfair. Value life and value people who form a part of yours.


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