To a Friend Lost in Time

Read it and fall back in time,
the time free of impressions of the present
Think of us, of you and me
of us "young adults" merrily content in the tangles of immaturity

Of the stupid reasons and explanations we gave to each other
trying to make it a little better 

For once go back in time 
and steal a moment
you'll find me 
you'll find your happy element too...

Remember the vivid conversations,
the hues of absolute craziness
and the many tears shed
Those talks in the dead of the night
and the unexplainable bills that followed!

When getting angry was only about 
coming late and a few calls missed
When a sorry hug and a bit of telepathy was the way to make up for it 

When periods of not talking were disrupted by emergency time outs;
When I could wake you up from sleep only because I was wide awake

To the random poems and singing over the phone
To that tease which followed 
To how extremely lame we could be 
To the several classes missed
To the directionless driving 

To that little bit of us in everything! CHEERS!!

P.S - If nostalgia has creeped in then pick up the  damn phone and call that friend of yours who was once on speed dial!! 


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